construction project: construction of residential and commercial buildings on Am Kaffeelager in the northern Überseequartier (overseas quarter)
location: Osakaallee 2-4 and 6-8, Am Sandtorkai 2-4, Singapurstraße 1, 20457 Hamburg-HafenCity
building contractor: Überseequartier Beteiligungs GmbH consisting of ING Real Estate Germany GmbH, Groß & Partner Grundstücksgesellschaft mbH, SNS Property Finance (formerly known as Bouwfonds Property Finance), Hamburg
building services equipment: Ingenieurgesellschaft Ridder – Meyn – Nuckel, Norderstedt
structural planning: Dröge – Baade – Nagaraj, Salzgitter-Thiede
structural physics: ITA Ingenieurgesellschaft, Wiesbaden
fire prevention: hhp Berlin, Berlin
construction / material: reinforced concrete solid construction with curtain brick facade, movable sun protection unit consisting of aluminium, glassed loggias, natural stone flooring in the public inner area, oak wood parquet
completed: 10/2010
The concept applies the interaction of different prismatic cubes, the outer edges of which are closing up towards the thoroughfares. At the same time the cubes respond to the scale of the historic warehouse constructions and of the broad water areas and they open up towards the boulevard by means of joints and gaps. The residential tower on St. Annen-Platz marks the entrance to the Überseequartier (so called overseas quarter). Where the boulevard and the lanes of the quarter cross each other, the Kaffeeplatz takes shape to become the centre of the quarter.
The residential tower on St. Annen-Platz is one of four constructions and, being a distinct landmark, it represents the entrance to the Überseequartier (so called overseas quarter) in the HafenCity. Despite of the mandatory maximum height of 60 metres the proportion of the construction is well balanced both in economical terms and concerning the adjacent urban structure. The cubic buildings are flexible hybrids since they can be extended, respectively merged, and their different units, which can serve as areas for living as well as for working, offer flexible options of use. The architectural design refers to the surrounding buildings of the warehouse district. As a new interpretation of the given brick building architecture the cubic constructions present a less rigid, playful appearance. Due to the applied materials the construction harmoniously blends in with the surrounding urban structure without contradicting it. The design preserves and reinforces the identity of the quarter.