View from the north
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Conceptual draft
Site plan
Marco Polo Tower and Unilever House, view from the north
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Detailed view of the facade from the east
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Reception desk inside the atrium
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Sectional view, east–west
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Balcony, 10th floor
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Outdoor space, 10th floor
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Interior decoration of the living area
Roland Halbe, Stuttgart
Ground plan of level 11
construction project: construction of condominiums based on the „design-ready“-concept: the owners are able to have their flat fitted out and customised with the support of a selected architect
location: Hübenerstraße 1, 20457 Hamburg-HafenCity
building contractor: Projektgesellschaft Marco Polo Tower GmbH & Co. KG: a joint venture consisting of the two following companies: HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung GmbH, north branch, Hamburg and DC RESIDENTIAL GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
object monitoring: 360grad+ architekten GmbH, Hamburg
landscape: EMBT Enric Miralles – Benedetta Tagliabue, Barcelona, Spain
structural framework: Weber Poll, Hamburg
expert opinion concerning aerodynamics: Institut für Industrieaerodynamik GmbH, Aachen
facade: Prof. Michael Lange Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
sanitary installations, heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC): HSGP Heinze Stockfisch Grabis + Partner GmbH, Hamburg
lighting engineering: Licht01 Lighting Design, Hamburg
structural physics: ITA Ingenieurgesellschaft für Technische Akustik mbH, Weimar-Legefeld
fire prevention: hhpberlin Ingenieure für Brandschutz mbH, Berlin
health and safety coordinator: Dekra Umwelt GmbH, Standort Hannover (Hanover location)
construction: reinforced concrete construction with post-and-beam facade
completed: 03/2010
The Marco Polo Tower is situated at prominent place in the HafenCity (HarbourCity). Its 17 overground storeys which are slightly twisted towards one another make the tower look like a sculpture and they allow for all 58 apartment units to offer spectacular views at the river Elbe and at the Hamburg cityscape. Circumferential, spacious terraces and balconies expand the living area of each flat and are designed to form a gentle interplay of lines which makes for the distinctive look of the tower. Primary structures and essential fixtures are reduced to a minimum inside of the building, so that the owners can determine by themselves in which part of their flat they would like to sleep, cook, eat, have a bath or relax. The construction of the Marco Polo Tower links high-quality living to a holistic ecological building concept. The overhanging, curved terraces are shadowing the setbacks in a natural manner. Vacuum collectors on the rooftop convert excess solar energy into cool air by use of a recuperator and thus allow for an eco-friendly air conditioning inside the apartment units.
To provide residence in the heart of Hamburg and its HafenCity (HarbourCity) just next to the busy harbour – that’s what the Marco Polo Tower is designed for. Thus, it is not only a new and memorable landmark in the HafenCity. It is also an example for high-class as well as high-cost living in the densely built-up city centre. There are 17 stacked levels providing room for individualised layouts. The connection of living space and apartment-intrinsic private open spaces on the broad, overhanging platforms makes for the high quality of the layouts. The authors of this jury statement see this lavish range of private outdoor spaces as a new interpretation of the villa type. By reducing the outer materials to reinforced concrete and glass a well proportioned, sculpture-like building is developed. It owes its elegance to the fine sculpturing of the prefabricated concrete components used. While moving through the city you will notice how your perception of the building changes constantly due to the varying layout of the platforms. The ground-floor, as it seems, has been designated for public use. This plan has not been put into action yet although it would be an additional asset. All in all, the Marco Polo Tower is an outstanding residential project which helps establish the identity of this new urban area and which combines premium urban living with a sustainable utilisation of resources in an exemplary way.